Victoria BID & The Welcome People Ambassadors



How The Welcome People Ambassadors play a key role in Victoria BID's 5 year strategy

The Victoria Business Improvement District was first established in 2010 and, together with the New West End Company, was one of the first to have The Welcome People Ambassadors. In a recent re-ballot 85% local businesses and key stakeholders voted to extend the BID for another five years, until 2020.

The Victoria (BID) is a business-led and business funded body formed to support economic growth in Victoria and to create a vibrant destination for those who work, visit or live there.

The Victoria BID

Over the next decade, more than £4bn worth of investment will unlock in excess of 3m ft² of new office, commercial and residential space in Victoria. The scale and calibre of this development is unprecedented in the history of Victoria and exceptional in a central London location. The BIDs business partners determine the work programmes that contribute to the local economy and enhance the area. For the second 5 year term of the BID these are:


  • Safe & Secure
  • Clean & Green
  • Public Realm
  • Destination Victoria
  • Sustainable Victoria


“Having The Welcome People Ambassadors outside one of London’s busiest – and currently most confusing - stations, welcoming and directing visitors is absolutely invaluable to us.”


Deputy Chief Executive, Victoria BID

How The Welcome People Ambassadors make a difference

The Welcome People currently provide 7 ambassadors, speaking 7 languages, offering visitor welcome services 7 days a week across the 110-acres covered by Victoria BID. They provide assistance to visitors, commuters and residents alike, ranging from calculating the fastest and easiest route for a business meeting to the entrance fee and opening times of popular local attractions.

Although the visitor information kiosk outside the main entrance to London Victoria Station is the focal point of the Ambassador presence in Victoria, you are likely to see them across the BID area, carrying out business visits, logging and reporting environmental issues and supporting local events.

Can one man make a difference?

Victoria BID decided to have a dedicated Environmental Ambassador, focused on identifying, logging and reporting issues such as graffiti, fly posting, flooded roads, blocked gullies, abandoned vehicles and vandalism. He is working closely Westminster City Council and Transport for London ensuring swift action is taken. 

What's next for Victoria BID?


Building on the success and positive experience of working with The Welcome People Ambassadors, the Victoria BID team decided to review their existing security arrangements.

The pilot for the The Welcome People to provide on-street security is currently under-way and will be reviewed in early 2016. An initial collaboration between existing Ambassadors, new The Welcome People security staff, the local police, the council and charities has helped address rough sleeping in the area, whilst ensuring those affected receive all necessary support.